Martian Circus, at your service
Martian Circus, at your service
Martian Circus, at your service
Martian Circus, at your service
Martian Circus, at your service
Martian Circus, at your service

Welcome to the Martian Circus 5d Experience - 5 Nights of 5d

We hope to see you all at Lightning in a Bottle festival for our third year among the incredible lineup of artists at  LIB 2024. We look forward to hosting you in the portal for an extra-ordinary experience.

Nightly Performances inside the Martian Circus immersive area

All 5 Nights of the festival!

8pm-8:30pm Martian Drum Circle

8:30pm-4am Martian Circus - Live in 5d!

4am-5am 5d Sound Healing

Upcoming Shows and Events

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